How to fix temp profile in Windows 7

Sometimes Windows 7 login with temporary profile instead of regular user login. This mainly happens due to user profile corrupted, so Windows load with temporary profile. To solve this problem-

Go to Start>Run. Type Regedit and press Enter.

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\

You will find two list folder showing the same name. One folder name end with -1000 and the other with -1000.bak at the end. Here the -1000.bak is your original user profile which ProfileImagePath is C:\Users\Admin showing at the right side Data and -1000 is your temporary profile which ProfileImagePath is C:\Users\Temp.Admin-PC. Furthermore these two folders can be found at drive location C:\Users\

Now from Registry Editor window select the list folder -1000.bak and rename it with -1000_new at the end.

And then select -1000 and rename it with -1000.bak at the end.

After then rename the -1000_new with -1000 at the end.

Close Registry Editor.

Restart your PC.

Now Windows 7 login with your previous user profile. Now we have to delete temporary user profile record from Registry Editor and from C: drive.

Run Regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\

Delete list folder 1000.bak which ProfileImagePath is C:\Users\Temp.Admin-PC.

Delete the folder Temp.Admin-PC from drive location C:\Users\

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