How to change multiple files extensions

Sometimes we need to change multiple files extensions of similar file format to a specific format. In this tutorial I will change all the text files format (.txt) into document format (.doc).

Suppose I have all text files (.txt) located in a Test folder in my desktop. Now go to start menu search, type cmd to open Command Prompt window. You are by default C:\Users\Windows

location in the Command Prompt window.

Locate to the Test folder directory using following command line:

Type dir to see the list of files and folder C:\Users\Windows>dir
Type cd folder_name to go to the folder C:\Users\Windows>cd desktop
C:\Users\Windows\Desktop>cd Test

Change file extensions using following command line:

To change multiple files extension C:\Users\Windows\Desktop\Test>ren *.txt *.doc

Now all text files (.txt) in the Test folder changed into document format (.doc). 

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